Programme Fonds de dotation pour les arts

Le Programme Fonds de dotations pour les arts (FDA) était un programme du gouvernement de l'Ontario au travers du Ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport et administré par la Fondation pour les arts de l'Ontario. Dans le cadre du programme, les fonds levés par des organismes éligibles pour leurs fonds de dotation auprès de sources du secteur privé recevaient des fonds de contrepartie d'un montant équivalent, jusqu'à un montant maximum préétabli, et étaient investis à perpétuité. Chaque année, les organismes reçoivent un revenu de leurs fonds de dotations établis dans le cadre du programme FDA qui peut être utilisé pour leurs opérations courantes.

Le Gouvernement de l'Ontario a annoncé le Fond de dotations pour les arts de 25 millions de dollars dans le budget de mai 1998 (Phase I). Après le succès de la première phase du programme Fonds de dotations pour les arts, le gouvernement a annoncé une augmentation de 25 millions de dollars dans le budget de mai 2000 pour la Phase II. Le budget de mars 2007 incluait 10 millions de dollars supplémentaires pour la Phase III du programme FDA.

Depuis sa création, 127 millions de dollars de revenus ont été versés à partir des fonds de dotation à des organismes artistiques dans 60 communautés à travers l'Ontario. La valeur au cours du marché de tous les fonds de dotations établis dans le cadre du programme dépasse désormais 172 millions de dollars.

Organismes ayant un Fonds de dotations pour les arts avec la fondation pour les arts de l'Ontario :

4th Line Theatre Company

A Space

Centre d'art Agnes Etherington

Algonquin Arts Council

Amabile Choirs of London, Canada

Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto

Amici Chamber Ensemble



Art Gallery of Algoma

Art Gallery of Burlington

Art Gallery of Guelph

Art Gallery of Hamilton

Art Gallery of Mississauga

Art Gallery of Northumberland

Art Gallery of Peterborough

Art Gallery of Sudbury / Galerie d’art de Sudbury

Art Gallery of Windsor

Art Gallery of York University

Art of Time Ensemble

Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre


Artheart Community Art Centre

Arts Council of Algoma

Arts Etobicoke

Arts Ottawa

B.A.A.N.N. Theatre Centre

Ballet Creole

Ballet Jörgen Canada

Blyth Festival

Brampton Arts Council

Brantford Symphony Orchestra Association

Brockville Concert Association

Brott Music Festival

Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

Burlington Symphony Orchestra

C The Visual Arts Foundation

C.C.M.C. Music Gallery

Cambridge Art Galleries

Canadian Art Foundation

Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild

Canadian Children’s Book Centre

Canadian Children’s Opera Company

Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre

Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf

Directrice du Centre canadien du film

Canadian Stage

Cantabile Choirs of Kingston

Capitol Theatre Heritage Foundation

Carousel Players

Centre for Indigenous Theatre

Chatham Concert Band Association

Choirs Ontario

Chorus Niagara

Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival

Cityfolk Festival

Clay and Paper Theatre

Common Boots Theatre

Compagnie Vox Théâtre

Continuum Contemporary Music

Corpus Dance Projects

Craft Ontario

Creative Works Studio

Crossroads Theatre

Dance Arts Institute

Dance Collection Danse


Dancer Transition Resource Centre

Dancetheatre David Earle


DE-BA-JEH-MU-JIG Theatre Group

Definitely Superior Art Gallery of Thunder Bay

Design Exchange

Deoxyribonucleic Acid Theatre

Drayton Entertainment

Dufferin Arts Council

Dundas Valley School of Art

Ed Video Media Arts Centre

Elmer Iseler Singers

Elora Festival

Equity Showcase Theatre

Esprit Orchestra

Factory Theatre

Festival of the Sound

Forest City Gallery

Fringe of Toronto Theatre Festival

Fujiwara Dance Inventions

Fusion: The Ontario Clay and Glass Association

Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography

Gallery Stratford

Gallery TPW

Musée de l'art céramique George R. Gardiner

Georgian Bay Symphony

GLA Theatre Company

Glenhyrst Art Gallery of Brant

Grand Philharmonic Choir

Guelph Arts Council

Guelph Chamber Choir

Guelph Jazz Festival

Guelph Youth Music Centre

Haliburton Highlands Guild of Fine Arts

Hamilton Artists Inc.

Hamilton Arts Council

Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra

Hannaford Street Silver Band

Homer Watson House & Gallery

Hot Docs

Huntsville Festival of the Arts

Inside Out Lesbian and Gay Film Festival

Intersection Music & Arts

Kaeja d’Dance

Kingston Artists’ Association

Kingston Regional Arts Council

Kingston Symphony Association

Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery

Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra

Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra Association

Koffler Gallery

La Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario, centre d’artistes

Latcham Art Centre

Le Conseil des Arts de Hearst

Le Théâtre de la Vieille 17

Le Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario

Le Théâtre du Trillium

League of Canadian Poets

Les Éditions L’Interligne

Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto

Lighthouse Festival Theatre

London Community Orchestra

London Fanshawe Symphonic Chorus

London Symphonia

Lynnwood Arts Centre

MacLaren Art Centre

Magnus Theatre

Mammalian Diving Reflex Theatre Group

MASC Artists for Schools and Communities

Mass Culture

Galerie McIntoshy

Mercer Union, A Centre for Contemporary Art

Mississauga Choral Society

Mixed Company Theatre

Modern Times Stage Company

MOTUS O dance theatre


Muskoka Chautauqua

National Shevchenko Musical Ensemble Guild of Canada

L'Orchestre national des jeunes du Canada

Native Earth Performing Arts Incorporated

Necessary Angel Theatre Company

New Music Concerts

Niagara Symphony Association

Nightwood Theatre

Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation

Northern Lights Festival Boréal

Numus Concerts Inc.

Oakville Arts Council

Oakville Galleries

Obsidian Theatre Company Inc.

Odyssey Theatre

Ontario Association of Art Galleries

Ontario Handweavers and Spinners

Open Studio

Opéra Atelier

Opera Canada

Opera in Concert

Orchestra Toronto

Orchestras Canada

Orchestras Mississauga

Orillia Museum of Art and History

Ottawa Art Gallery / Galerie d’art d’Ottawa

Ottawa Bluesfest

Société de musique de chambre d'Ottawa

Ottawa Jazz Festival

Ottawa School of Art

Ottawa Symphony Orchestra

Peggy Baker Dance Projects

Peterborough Artists Inc. “Artspace”

Peterborough Symphony Orchestra

Planet in Focus

Pleiades Theatre

Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, du centre Harbourfont

Prologue to the Performing Arts

Quinte Arts Council

Quinte Ballet School of Canada

Quinte Symphony

Red Maple Foundation

Regent Theatre Foundation

Robert McLaughlin Gallery

Rodman Art Institute of Niagara

Roseneath Theatre

Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

Royal Conservatory of Music

S.A.W. Gallery

S.A.W. Video

Scarborough Arts Council

Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra

School of Dance (Ottawa)

Seaway Valley Singers

Sinfonia Toronto

Smile Theatre

Solar Stage

Soulpepper Theatre Company

Soundstreams Canada

St. Bernadette’s Family Resource Centre

St. Thomas – Elgin Public Art Centre

Station Gallery

Stirling Festival Theatre

Storytelling Toronto

Stratford Summer Music

Sudbury Symphony Orchestra Association

Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra

Tapestry Opera

Tarragon Theatre

Textile Museum of Canada

The Cellar Singers

The Grand Theatre

Théâtre Action

Theatre Collingwood

Theatre Direct Canada

Théâtre français de Toronto

Theatre Gargantua

Theatre Kingston

Théâtre la Catapulte

Theatre Orangeville

Theatre Passe Muraille

Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra

Thousand Islands Foundation for the Performing Arts

Thrive Youth Development Canada

Thunder Bay Art Gallery

Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra

Timmins Symphony Orchestra

Toronto Arts Foundation

Toronto Children’s Chorus

Toronto Consort

Toronto Dance Theatre

Toronto International Film Festival

Toronto Mendelssohn Choir

Toronto Operetta Theatre

Toronto School of Art

Toronto Summer Music Foundation

Trinity Square Video

Upper Canada Playhouse

Vibe Arts

Visual Arts Centre of Clarington


Westben Arts Festival Theatre

White Water Gallery

Windsor Symphony Orchestra

WKP Kennedy Gallery

Women’s Musical Club of Toronto

Workers Arts and Heritage Centre

Writers’ Union of Canada

Young People’s Theatre

YYZ Artists’ Outlet

Les fonds de dotations ci-dessous sont administrés indépendamment par leurs fondations associées :

  • Canadian Opera Company
  • Canada’s National Ballet School
  • Harbourfront Centre
  • National Ballet of Canada
  • Shaw Festival
  • Stratford Festival
  • Toronto Symphony Orchestra