Corporate Philanthropy
Your staff fields dozens of requests to donate to this charity and that. You have limited staffing and financial resources for philanthropy, and you need to deploy them strategically to build your brand and your profile in the markets you target.
There are several ways we can help you achieve that. Rather than responding to requests as they cross your desk, you might want to take a proactive approach. For example, you might create a fund to pay out scholarships or awards, or support a particular aspect of the arts through a granting or matching program.
Arts organizations are creators of the cultural gold that attracts a talented, creative workforce and affluent customer base to our towns and cities. To do this, they employ non-profit thinking but many of them are skilled at working with the business community and understanding how to leverage a strategic partnership to everyone’s mutual benefit.
Give us a call to talk about how your corporation can collaborate with arts organizations in your area…and do so in a low cost and tax-effective way that will build your profile in the communities where your employees and customers live.